June 23, 2020

Hi everyone, my name is Jacklyn Banayan, but you can call me Jacky. I have always had a fascination for skincare. I feel very lucky to have found my passion at a young age. Often times when people ask “Jacky, how’d you get so into skincare?” I jokingly respond, “Oh, I’ve been popping my brothers back-ne since I was 8 years old!” Although there is so much truth to this statement, having a passion for pimple popping wasn’t enough to bring me to where I am today. BUT it totally fueled the fire.              

Growing up, I was a competitive dancer. I was part of a team that performed often and competed in dance conventions. The dedication and hard work I learned from my experiences as a dancer taught me how to infuse passion into all my endeavors. Believe it or not, my passion for dance and being on stage sparked my passion for skincare. For those of you who dance, or perform on stage in general, you know that makeup plays a huge role in stage presence. My fascination for makeup sparked my fascination for skincare, as your makeup will only look as good as your skin feels!             

I was always trying to perfect my stage makeup routine, searching for makeup brands that did not clog my pores but still provided coverage from the bright stage lights. I was wearing stage makeup for long hours, re-applying between shows, sweating on stage, and don’t even get me started with the globs of hair spray we had to use. For me, this resulted in skin rashes, bumps all over my face, redness and irritation, and just over all skin sensitivity. I am positive my fellow performers can relate! ‘Good’ makeup was not enough, it was my skincare routine I needed to strengthen.              

Fast forward to college, I studied at the University of Arizona in Tucson. At this point I was already known for my makeup skills and my growing passion for skincare and beauty in general.  During my freshman year in the dorms, if you wanted your makeup done, to do face masks together, needed your eyebrows cleaned up, or just wanted to talk about beauty, you knew to come find me! Even the boys! In my studies, I struggled finding a major that sparked my passion. I applied as a psych major and soon realized that this did not satisfy my creative side, so I struggled staying engaged. Then I attempted to switch majors to Movies and Television, which I learned was also not for me. At this point I had to ask myself one major question that most college students are forced to ask: “What can I see myself pursuing for the rest of my life, and will it make me happy?” For most, the answer to this question is not simple, but for me it was extremely clear. I wanted to pursue aesthetics, as that is what has always made me happy! Sophomore year of college at the ripe age of 18, I took a semester off and enrolled myself into a holistic skincare school in Tucson, Arizona so that I could still be with my peers and have a “college experience.” Who knew that this would end up being the best decision I have ever made.              

I excelled through this program, finishing it in 4 months maintaining perfect scores the entire time. I received my first job offer from a mock interview the school had provided for me and took my state boards, passing with zero hesitation. I immediately started working at an Ulta as an esthetician and makeup artist. One of the perks of working at Ulta was receiving training of the various skincare lines they had to offer. We focused heavily on Dermalogica, which is the training I typically recommend for new estheticians. I finished my undergrad at U of A, since receiving a bachelor’s was important to me. I even got to spend my last year in Tucson shadowing an incredibly talented facial plastic surgeon.             

Shadowing a plastic surgeon heavily influenced my success as an esthetician. I learned an insane amount about medical aesthetics, plastic surgery, lasers, injections, PRP, medical grade peels, and how our worlds could intertwine. I shadowed surgeries, learned about the modalities and techniques used in facial plastic surgery, and most importantly learned how I as an esthetician could enhance these results pre- and post-surgery. Lucky for me, the plastic surgeon I worked with was incredibly generous and thoughtful. I’m not even sure if he knows how big of an influence he was for me, but WOW, did he teach me a lot. He taught me how to prep patients for surgeries, and how to take care of them after surgery. He showed me facial muscles, where they are located and the importance of each one as it pertains to ageing. I could go on and on, but my point is he provided me with a medical approach to aesthetics, that I am forever grateful for.              

After graduation I moved back to LA, my hometown, and re-took my state boards in California as the aesthetic laws were different than those in Arizona. I was heavily considering going back to school to get my nursing degree as my fascination for medical aesthetics grew. However, I was extremely eager to apply everything I had learned from both Ulta and the amazing plastic surgeon I shadowed into an aesthetic practice. At this point, I had met an extremely successful esthetician who was running her own practice for 40 years and eager to teach. I gained a wealth of knowledge from her, showing me the connection between our insides and outsides, and how our complexion is directly correlated with what we consume. I learned the importance of creating your own technique, all while continuing your education in this ever changing field of skincare. After two years, I was eager to expand my knowledge on different techniques, new modalities, and ongoing research. Although I may have been young, at the age of 22, my drive to learn outside of the boundaries I was constricted to and my eagerness to start a business where I can adapt, I knew it was time for me to start my own venture, taking all the positives from my experiences thus far.             

As my clientele grew at a fast pace, I was sure I had made the right decision, and I knew I had an obligation to continue my education and pinpoint the areas I could grow. So I decided to get my phlebotomy license and learn more about our blood function and how it pertains to the skin. This has allowed me to take a medical approach to skincare and has given me the final tools to fully understand this complex organ, our skin. Since then I have continued learning from different types of doctors: a functional medicine doctor to elaborate on how the body functions as a whole, several different plastic surgeons to intertwine our techniques, and a clinical nutritionist to achieve the understanding that the appearance of our skin is correlated with overall wellness. This gave me the platform to create the best results possible. I took courses on different technologies, modalities, and machines such as ultrasound, radiofrequency, microcurrent, and LED light therapy, which are used to improve a variety of skin conditions and concerns on all skin tones and types. I have learned a multitude of techniques inspired by both Korean and French methods, and have created my own little twist. I’ve studied homeopathic, natural, and medical skincare, recognizing the importance of ingredients used and how to utilize them in my practice, making my own products and concoctions. The secret to my success was understanding that skin health is beyond the surface, and no two faces are the same. That is why I tailor all my treatments based on my clients skin, their goals, concerns, lifestyle, and conditions.              

I want to end this story with gratitude for my family, friends, and clients who have been by my side every step of the way. I stay committed to continuing to learn and advance my techniques as technology changes. Thank you for choosing me and trusting me to make your skincare goals a reality! 


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